PPC expert in Lahore: Tell Google which pages not to explore

For non-sensitive information, block unwanted browsing using robots.txt. More information visit our site PPC expert in Lahore.

A “robots.txt” file tells search engines which parts of your site they can access and can explore. This file, which should be named “robots.txt”, is placed in the root directory of your site. Pages blocked by the robots.txt file may still be crawled: for sensitive pages, you must use a more secure method.

If you want some pages that are less relevant for search results to not be crawled, the Google Search Console provides a builder that helps you create a robots.txt file. Note that if your site uses subdomains and you want certain pages not to be crawled for a particular subdomain, you will need to create a separate robots.txt file for that subdomain. See this article in the Webmaster Help Center to learn more about the robots.txt13 files.

PPC expert in Lahore find out about ways to prevent content from appearing in search results14.

To avoid :

Allow Google to crawl your internal search results pages (users do not like to click on a search result and get to another search results page on your site)

Allow exploration of URLs created as part of proxy services

For sensitive information, use more secure methods

The robots.txt file is not an appropriate or effective way to block sensitive or confidential content. It only tells the crawlers scrupulously that the pages are not intended for them, but this does not prevent your server from distributing these pages to a browser that requests them. Indeed, the search engines can always refer to the URLs that you block (by indicating only the URL, without title or extract) if there are links to them somewhere on the Internet, for example on files logs from your source URL. In addition, non-compliant or malicious search engines that do not recognize the robot exclusion protocol could violate the instructions in your robots.txt file. Finally, a curious Internet user could examine the directories or subdirectories of your robots.txt file and guess the URL of the content you want to keep confidential.

If you just want the page not to appear on Google, use the “no index” tag, but note that people will still be able to access the page with a link. To ensure true security, we recommend using appropriate authorization methods (such as requesting a user password) or removing the page from your site. Visiting our for the private consultant PPC Expert in Lahore.  Click here for more info.

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